Monday, January 30, 2012


Just a little tip:
If you should ever have a GPX file that has errors in it, there's a tool that might help.
I can tell because I have spent hours trying to find errors in my GPX files.

The hint is:
Use 'SAXCount'.
What it is:
«SAXCount is the simplest application that counts the elements and characters of a given XML file using the (event based) SAX API.»

You can get it here:

XML::Xerces Sample: SAXCount

It will tell you exactly the line number the error is on.

Mac users can get a copy using MacPorts and installing the 'xercesc3' package.

/opt/local/bin/SAXCount /path/to/MyGPXfile.gpx

Fatal Error at file /path/to/MyGPXfile.gpx, line 283, char 41

Now that's cool ;-)
Better than splitting the file to find the fault.

Happy day


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