Monday, January 30, 2012


Just a little tip:
If you should ever have a GPX file that has errors in it, there's a tool that might help.
I can tell because I have spent hours trying to find errors in my GPX files.

The hint is:
Use 'SAXCount'.
What it is:
«SAXCount is the simplest application that counts the elements and characters of a given XML file using the (event based) SAX API.»

You can get it here:

XML::Xerces Sample: SAXCount

It will tell you exactly the line number the error is on.

Mac users can get a copy using MacPorts and installing the 'xercesc3' package.

/opt/local/bin/SAXCount /path/to/MyGPXfile.gpx

Fatal Error at file /path/to/MyGPXfile.gpx, line 283, char 41

Now that's cool ;-)
Better than splitting the file to find the fault.

Happy day

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

New Version

In order to compile the new version of nutrak the command is slightly different.

Using gcc the command is as follows:

g++ -DNUTRAK_CMD -Wall nutrak.cpp -o nutrak


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

New Version

Some things seem to have changed since my last post...

Nutrak can be found here:

After the download you have to uncompress the zip.
Then cd into de nutrak source folder:

cd ~/Downloads/wnutrak016/source

To compile the nutrack command line utility enter this command:

g++ -DNUTRAK_CMD -Wall nutrak.cpp -o nutrak

After that we have a utlity in this folder called 'nutrak'.

$ ./nutrak
nutrak v0.16 (C) A.P.

use: nutrak [-c] [-m] [-o] [-t seconds] [-p path] gps.bin
-c - write course
-m - write miliseconds
-t - add time offset in seconds
-o - overwrite files
-p - output path

Friday, April 11, 2008

Garmin Tracklog Files

I think I just found out what to do with those Garmin Tracklog files that the new nüvis generate.

The clue was this site Garmin Nuvi 200 Track Hack

Not that I'm interested in hacking a nuvi 200.
But this is where I found the information on what to do with the 'gps.bin' tracklog file.

The clue was to get Nutrak.

But Newtrack is a utility for Windows you might say.
That is true. This guy from poland who wrote Nutrak has however included the source code.

So what do we do:

We get the Nutrak package from

Then all we have to do is uncompress it.
From the terminal we cd into the source directory.

Now, let's compile Nutrak for Mac:
g++ main.cpp -o nutrak

Of course you have to have the Developer Tools installed to do so.

Now it compiles without any error messages.

So let's start it:
nutrak v0.07 (C) A.P.
use: nutrak [-c] [-m] [-t seconds] gps.bin
-c - write course
-m - write miliseconds
-t - add time offset in seconds

cool ;-)